Friday, September 15, 2006

Oz Travels

Welcome to Dick's Oz Travels Blog.

This is my first post, I'm setting off for Oz in four days time and am getting mighty excited. The reason for the visit is a school re-union, where I'll be meeting up with people I haven't seen for over thirty years. It's going to be my first time back in Oz since I left thirty three years ago to come to England, and I'm wondering how much has changed, and how much I'll still recognise in my old home town Dubbo.

I've created the blog in order to keep people at home and in Oz up to speed with what I'm doing, and I'll be posting every day where possible, adding pix, reflections and updates to my itinery where appropriate.

In the next few days I'll post some pix and bios of myself and the the family (who are collectivey called the tribe), as well as pix of where we live etc.

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